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Cause Related Marketing
Corporate Philanthropy
Mergers enhance bank philanthropy.
The growth and consolidation of the U.S. banking industry over the last
decade and a half has benefited national nonprofits, but has taken a toll on
local charities.
Philanthropy Journal (23.7.2007)
CEO sees charity as more important than profit in Hearing
Foxnews.com (11.7.2007)
Corporate Citizenship
and Philanthropy.
Schwerpunkt mit rund 20 Artikeln.
Financial Times (5.7.2007)
Red Bull verleiht Hilfsorganisation Flügel.
Das Formel 1-Team Red Bull setzt sich mit der Aktion "Faces for Charity" für
die Stiftung Wings for Life ein, die Querschnittlähmung für Menschen heilbar
machen will. Die Rennautos wurden im Rahmen der Aktion mit tausenden Fotos
von Spendern und Spenderinnen verziert.
sportnet (5.7.2007)
Google Earth Outreach aims to put charities on the map.
Google Inc. launched an initiative to help charities and other non-profit
groups use maps and satellite images to raise awareness, recruit volunteers
and encourage donations.
CBC (27.6.2007)
Social enterprise seen as difficult.
While efforts by nonprofits to operate for-profit ventures have been
heralded as a way to generate revenue, a new report released by a leader in
social enterprise identifies inherent difficulties.
Philanthropy Journal (27.6.2007)
Online-Portal verbindet Einkauf mit Wohltätigkeit.
Ein neues Online-Handelsportal aus Hamburg will sozial eingestellte Käufer
locken. Dafür verzichten Verkäufer auf Teile ihres Gewinns.
Handelsblatt (15.6.2007)
Charity Bank aims for major growth.
The only not-for-profit bank in the UK, is intending to more than double in
size in the next five years.
UK Fundraising (16.5.2007)
WEB-Skandal: Besitzervon einer Million Euro gesucht.
Masseverwalter Aichinger sucht die Besitzer von 1,035 Mill. Euro. Melden sie
sich nicht rasch, dürfen sich drei karitative Vereine über eine Spende
Salzburger Nachrichten (16.5.2007)
Donors should not philander with philanthropy.
The emergence of a strong, focused culture of corporate social
responsibility has significantly increased the interaction between corporate
Australia and the not-for-profit sector.
The Age (10.5.2007)
Changing Our World launches Archimede Philanthropy
Partners and expands rapidly-growing philanthropy services.
TickerTech.com (9.5.2007)
"Menschen sind keine Geldmaschinen".
Er ist der Protagonist einer neuen sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Im Interview
mit SPIEGEL ONLINE erklärt der Nobelpreisträger Muhammad Yunus, was Manager
wirklich verdienen dürfen, wie der Kapitalismus reformiert werden kann und
warum Mikrokredite den Armen mehr helfen als Geldgeschenke.
Spiegel Online (8.5.2007)
Experts worry about shopping for charity.
Shopping for charity - also known as cause-related marketing - has become an
increasingly important way for some philanthropies to raise funds. But some
experts worry that the trend is sending the wrong message to people about
charitable giving. Interest!ALERT (o. D.)
Corporations flee, charities suffer.
Los Angeles Times (12.4.2007)
US-Versicherungskonzerne - Nachhaltigkeit nur Spenden und Sponsoring.
csr-news.net (1.3.2007)
Das wundersame Schicksal eines deutschen Glücksritters.
Der Traum vom großen Glück endete abrupt: Mit Designeranzug und edlem Koffer
landete ein deutscher Geschäftsmann in der Gosse des Glitzerstaates Dubai.
Ohne Pass, ohne Geld, ohne Hoffnung. Doch dann kam Hilfe von ganz
unerwarteter Seite.
Spiegel Online (12.2.2007)
Corporate donations rise.
Giving by firms totaled almost $10 billion in 2005.
Philanthropy Journal (22.1.2007)
Motley Fool | Responsible investing, philanthropy.
Philadelphia Inquirer (12.12.2006)
Holiday shoppers seen as generous.
Americans want businesses to help them support causes.
Philanthropy Journal (11.12.2006)
Armut: "Business ist besser als Wohltätigkeit".
Friedensnobelpreisträger Yunus sieht den Zugang zu Kapital als ein
Menschenrecht an. Er würde einem Bettler auf der Straße niemals Geld geben.
Die Presse (8.12.2006)
Philanthropy gets serious for some firms.
MSNBC (28.11.2006)
Kenya: What firms must do to succeed in philanthropy.
Business has changed so dramatically that the score sheet includes roles in
social responsibility and philanthropy - popularly called corporate social
responsibility or CSR.
The East African Standard via allAfrica.com (8.11.2006)
US-Spenden deutscher Konzerne.
Im amerikanischen Wahlkampf ergreifen die Tochterfirmen deutscher Konzerne
klar Partei: Bei den Wahlkampfspenden bedenken sie die Republikaner weit
großzügiger als die Demokraten. Zu den eifrigen Spendern für George Bushs
Partei gehören mehrere Dax-Konzerne.
Spiegel Online (3.11.2006)
Stiftungen: "Industrie droht Mumifizierung".
Viele Industrieunternehmungen sind in Stiftungen - und werden dort verwaltet
statt geführt.
Die Presse (14.10.2006)
Designs for philanthropy are their business model.
Manilla Standard (12.10.2006)
Natural bath products company hits a homerun with the
creation of charitable baseball-themed soaps.
Onlypunjab.com (11.10.2006)
Elevate destinations launches online travel philanthropy program.
CSR Wire (11.10.2006)
Campaigners attack Shell's charity arm over Sakhalin
An attempt by Shell to portray itself as a model of corporate social
responsibility was undermined last night after Whitehall documents showed
its charitable arm discussing a key commercial project with a British
government minister.
Guardian Unlimited (28.9.2006)
Google will an guten Taten verdienen.
Nachdem Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates Milliarden Dollar in seine wohltätige
Stiftung steckt, möchte Google nicht nachstehen. Dort allerdings will man
nicht nur Gutes tun - sondern auch damit Geld verdienen.
Spiegel Online (14.9.2006)
Philanthropy the Google way: Doing good while making
The ambitious founders of Google, the popular search engine company, have
set up a philanthropy, giving it seed money of about $1 billion and a
mandate to fight poverty, disease and global warming.
Herald Tribune (14.9.2006)
Millionen an US-Uni: Vorfahrt für BMW.
Mit Millionenspenden sicherte sich der deutsche Autobauer BMW Einfluss auf
Forschung und Lehre der US-Universität Clemson. Kritiker sehen durch die
enge Kooperation die Freiheit der Wissenschaft in Gefahr.
Spiegel Online (30.8.2006)
Zehn Dinge für den guten Zweck.
Die Werbung behauptet, dass man für die gute Sache nur Bier trinken muss.
Stimmt nicht. Man kann auch Grünkohl essen, Ausreden erfinden oder sich ein
Paar schottische Regenbogenforellen ins Gesicht hauen lasen. Eine Übersicht
über gute Absichten.
jetzt.de (22.8.2006)
Das Geschäft mit dem guten Gewissen.
Marketing: Immer mehr Firmen werben mit eigenen Spendenaktionen - Kritik
bleibt nicht aus. Mit dem Kauf von Süßigkeiten Bären helfen, beim
Biertrinken den Regenwald retten - Ideen gibt es viele. Hilfsorganisationen
und Firmen profitieren.
Hamburger Abendblatt (5.8.2006)
Preferred Hotel Group honours cites for philanthropy,
environmental wellbeing and community service.
Travel Daily News (2.8.2006)
Fast 800.000 Euro Spenden durch Handy-Recycling.
Die im April 2003 von Vodafone gestartete Handy-Recycling-Kampagne versorgt
zahlreiche gemeinnützige Organisationen in Deutschland mit einem
zusätzlichen Spendenaufkommen.
Heise Newsticker (31.7.2006)
Aktion 100.000 x DSL geht an den Start.
Eine schnelle Internetverbindung nutzen und dabei eine "gute Sache"
openPR.de (31.7.2006)
Corporate citizenship.
The end of philanthropy as we know it.
Forbes (6.7.2006)
The ethics of cashing in.
Earlier this year the Body Shop, the campaigning heath and beauty company,
announced it was to be acquired by French luxury goods manufacturer L'Oreal
for £652 million, writes Rod Schwartz. To many, this represented a sellout
of tragic proportions.
Guardian Unlimited (30.6.2006)
Adobe launches new global philanthropy program; 'Adobe
Youth Voices' engages teens through multimedia projects.
HardwareGeeks.com (21.6.2006)
Job creation vs charity drive.
Financial Mail (16.6.2006)
Building together, Part 1.
Senior execs join hands for kids.
Most workdays, they compete fiercely with one
another for commercial turf. But on April 19, 150 CEOS and senior executives
from 42 Charlotte companies traded their business suits for work boots, and
teamed up to build a playground at a local elementary school serving mainly
high-risk, low-income youngsters.
Philanthropy Journal (6.6.2006)
Beyond Philanthropy.
As the emphasis on "philanthropy" has shifted to a focus on "social
responsibility," companies have lent executives to nonprofit
organizations--often at no charge--for as long as three years.
Forbes.com (31.5.2006)
Hyundai will eine Milliarde Dollar spenden.
Der größte südkoreanische Autokonzern Hyundai hat sich nach
Bestechungsvorwürfen gegen Topmanager öffentlich entschuldigt. Um seine Reue
zu bekunden, will der Konzernchef eine Milliarde Dollar in Aktien an
wohltätige Einrichtungen spenden.
Berliner Morgenpost (19.4.2006)
Die Krombacher Spenden-Offensive 2006 geht an den Start.
In einem Zeitraum von gut drei Monaten wird die Brauerei für jede verkaufte
Flasche Krombacher einen Cent spenden. Ziel ist es, auf diese Weise
mindestens drei Millionen Euro zusammenzubringen, die drei unterschiedlichen
Organisationen zu Gute kommen sollen: Dem WWF Deutschland, dem Deutschen
Kinderhilfswerk und der Deutschen Knochenmarkspenderdatei.
Ökonews.de (6.4.2006)
Computec unterstützt "Gemeinsam für Afrika".
Verivox (5.4.2006)
Open dispute between Commission and NGOs on CSR.
The Commission has contradicted claims from NGOs that the latter shall be
excluded from future talks on corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Environmental groups insist on the truth of their claims.
EurActiv.com (22.3.2006)
Local retailers claim charity shops are bad for business.
Telegraph (8.3.2006)
Charities receive €1.5m from Vodafone.
Mobile phone giant Vodafone has donated over €1.5 million to Irish charities
through its corporate charity, the Vodafone Ireland Foundation (VIF). The
fund broke the €1.5 million barrier when it funded a boxing club in Dublin
last week.
UK Fundraising (8.3.2006)
Saatchi & Saatchi holt KHM-Etat.
Extradienst (1.3.2006)
Doctor Guides Google Charity.
Search king taps counterculture physician with technology and philanthrophy
roots to guide charitable contributions.
Red Herring (22.2.2006)
Dow Donates $100 Million for Charitable Causes.
CSR Wire (15.2.2006)
Starbucks donates $1.5M to Chinese charity.
USA Today (14.2.2006)
Samsung to give $825m to charity.
South Korea's largest firm, Samsung, is to donate more than $825m (£473m) to
charity after scandals hit the company.
ukbusiness-news (7.2.2006)
Military Contractor Philanthropy.
CounterPunch (25.1.2006)
Public Eye: An 'Award' Corporations Don't Want to Win.
Inter Press Service via Common Dreams (14.1.2006)
St Lawrence of Google.
Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, has always wanted to change the world.
He is well on his way.
The Economist (12.1.2006)
Chinese Bank Donates to Red Cross.
CRIENGLISH.com (28.12.2005)
Business charity launched.
Bahrain's first-ever Businessmen's Charity Association (BCA) was launched
yesterday after the BCA's founders committee members meeting held at the
Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI). The meeting was attended by
over 40 leading businessmen and traders.
MENAFN (21.12.2005)
Preisverleihung: Dante auf der Donau.
"Maecenas" unter anderem an Brandner Schifffahrt.
Die Presse (29.11.2005)
Corporate and Individual Giving.
Business Week Online (28.11.2005)
The Geography of Corporate Giving.
How social and governmental forces in local communities influence corporate
decision making in the social sphere.
Working Knowledge (21.11.2005)
TELUS Commits $2 Million to Charities Across Canada.
BC Technology (15.11.2005)
BT Charity Gala Raises $100,000 for Project Renewal.
BT today announced that it has raised $100,000 for Project Renewal, a
charity that helps the homeless men and women of New York City. At a gala
event at Capitale in Manhattan, BT raised the funds primarily through live
and silent auctions, with the live auction managed by C. Hugh Hildesley,
senior vice president, Sotheby’s New York.
CSR Wire (25.10.2005)
Google sets up charitable arm.
Having become the fastest billionaires in the history of IT, the founders of
Google are now setting up a charitable arm of the search engine. The newly
created Google.org will be an umbrella organisation for the Google
Foundation, some of Google's own charitable projects, as well as
partnerships and contributions to for-profit and non-profit organisations.
PC Pro (13.10.2005)
Google adds details to philanthropic plans.
Do no evil, the company's informal motto says, but Google is also intent on
doing good. On Tuesday, it announced that the Google.org Web site will
become an information center for its philanthropic activities, including the
Google Foundation, and it shed more light on the activities first hinted at
in its 2004 annual report.
Australian PC World (13.10.2005)
Google to Give $265 Million to Charities, Social Causes.
As part of its commitment to donate a portion of income from its public
stock offering to charity and social causes, Google said it has donated $90
million to a new charitable foundation that it founded and earmarked another
$175 million (including free advertising) for nonprofits and socially useful
businesses over the next 2-3 years.
MarketingVOX (12.10.2005)
Google Sets $265M Philanthropy.
Like other tech companies, including Microsoft, Intel, and Yahoo, Google
wants to increase the positive perceptions of its work by supporting various
philanthropic endeavors. The move will also help it earn tax write-offs and
live up to the high-minded principles described in the prospectus for
Google’s IPO.
Red Herring (12.10.2005)
Google pledges $1 billion to charity over 20 years.
Google plans to give about $1 billion to charity over the next 20 years —
and possibly much more — under a plan it will announce Wednesday detailing
its much-anticipated move into philanthropy.
USA Today (12.10.2005)
eBay charity service launches.
Addict3d.org (6.10.2005)
Waltons’ and Wal-Mart’s Charitable Giving Acts as Façade
for Conservative Political Agenda & Personal Financial Gain.
A new NCRP report reveals more than just charitable
intentions in Wal-Mart’s seemingly generous, but systematically
self-interested philanthropy. The Waltons and Wal-Mart: Self-Interested
Philanthropy chronicles the philanthropic and political activities of the
Walton family through their family foundation and through their Wal-Mart
corporate empire, painting a picture of a family and corporation with
increasing financial and political prowess.
NCRP Presseaussendung (4.10.2005)
Selling Charity in a Bottle.
Bottled water everywhere, but which brand to drink? Ethos Water wants to
help consumers choose by tapping into their consciences. Founded in 2002 and
acquired by Starbucks (SBUX) in April, Ethos donates 5 cents for every
bottle it sells to help bring clean water to developing countries.
Business 2.0 (21.9.2005)
Best Buy donates $6M to local nonprofits, including $2.5M
for University of Minnesota stadium.
bizjournals.com (15.9.2005)
Charity with 100 million fans.
The Mozilla Foundation, which is registered as a charity in the United
States and is most famous for its Firefox internet browser, is full of
The Times (13.9.2005)
Arbeit für Behinderte: Sozial-Supermärkte erobern neue Nischen
In den Lebensmittelmärkten der Kette CAP finden behinderte Menschen eine
Arbeit, die sie fordert. Manche räumen Ware in die Regale, andere übernehmen
auch Management-Aufgaben. Bei Kunden kommt das Konzept an - bis Dezember
eröffnen bundesweit sechs neue Filialen.
Spiegel Online (10.9.2005)
Executives take to charity.
Land mines and world hunger are far removed from Japan's corporate culture,
but increasingly such issues are being tackled by the nations' top
The Asahi Shimbun (17.8.2005)
Putting Corporates And Voluntary Groups In Touch.
New Zealand’s top companies are embracing CorporateCitizens; a new database
that they hope will stem the tide of what is becoming an overwhelming burden
for some of them – fundraisers cold calling asking for money.
Scoop.co.nz (31.7.2005)
Neue Spenden-Idee: Bringen Sie Firmen dazu Urlaubs- oder Arbeitszeit zu
Viele Firmen sind bereit, innovative Aktionen gemeinsam mit einem
gemeinnützigen Verein zu starten, zum Beispiel indem sie Arbeitszeit
spenden. Die Idee dahinter ist einfach: Die Mitarbeiter und die
Geschäftsführung erklären sich bereit, einen Urlaubstag oder einen
Arbeitstag einer gemeinnützigen Organisation zur Verfügung zu stellen, also
Arbeitszeit zu spenden.
Deutsche Wirtschaft AG (28.7.2005)
Entrepreneurial Spirit Meets the Philanthropical.
In recent years, specialists say, small businesses are becoming more
creative in giving. And younger entrepreneurs are displaying a new
philanthropic spirit that goes beyond self-promotion and to the heart of how
they define themselves.
New York Times (14.7.2005)
Profis im Einsatz für den guten Zweck.
Auch wer nach Feierabend arbeitet, braucht einen guten Coach.
Ehrenamtlichen, die sich für einen sozialen Zweck engagieren, stellt die
Initiative Startsocial erfahrene Berater zur Seite.
Financial Times Deutschland (2.7.2005)
Charity earns Procter major advertising award.
Procter learned through research, was that 15 percent of Israel's
population is conservative and does not watch TV. So Procter held a print
and outdoor campaign that encouraged residents to donate unwanted clothes to
charity, and it would launder them using Biomat.
bizjournals.com (22.6.2005)
GSK joins forces with charity.
Glaxosmithkline, the pharmaceutical giant, announced the first alliance
between a major drugs maker and a charity to tackle Aids.
Telegraph (22.6.2005)
Profitable partnerships: Collaboration with business benefits nonprofits.
Philanthropy Journal (14.6.2005)
Deloitte Survey Reveals 72 % of Americans Want to Work for Companies that
Support Charitable Causes.
Corporate Community Involvement Influences Employment Decisions.
Deloitte (10.6.2005)
Women business angels add just a touch of philanthropy.
Women who become "business angels" are more likely than men in the same
role to be motivated by a desire to support entrepreneurs and socially
beneficial products.
Telegraph (9.6.2005)
Finance: Few private sector staff would consider charity financejobs.
Only 5 per cent of finance professionals in the private sector would
like to work for a charity, according to a new survey. The poll, a survey of
300 finance professionals from Hays Accountancy and Finance, found that
commercial accountants and finance managers associate voluntary
organisations with poor salaries, bureaucracy, low status and limited career
ThirdSector (1.6.2005)
Analyse des Kapitalismus in Briefen.
Der kürzlich verstorbene Schriftsteller Carl Améry startete im
vergangenen Jahr eine Initiative, bei der zahlreiche Wissenschaftler,
Schriftsteller und Journalisten Briefe an Manager, Wirtschaftsfachleute und
Superreiche schrieben und darin an deren soziale Verantwortung appellierten.
Die Korrespondenzist jetzt in einem Band zusammengefasst, liefert eine
messerscharfe Analyse der Globalisierungsfolgen und zeigt Lösungsansätze
dradio.de (31.5.2005)
Kroger kicks in $10 million a month to charity.
The Kroger Co. said it contributed nearly $126 million to communities
and nonprofit organizations in 2004 as part of its "Neighbor to Neighbor"
charitable giving program.
bizjournals.com (26.5.2005)
Corporate charity in question.
Singaporeans seem to know how to give to charity, each having dished out
$155 on average to a charitable cause in the past year. But the corporate
face of Singapore seems to be straggling far behind, with less than three in
10 corporations having made donations in the past year.
Today Online (26.5.2005)
First Time Research Finds That Non-Profit and Corporate Partnerships Result
in Reputation and Financial Gains.
The 2004 Cone Corporate Citizenship Study, commissioned by Cone, Inc., a
Boston-based strategic marketing and communications firm, finds that 89% of
Americans believe that corporations and non-profits should work together to
raise money and awareness for causes. Moreover, after hearing about these
partnerships, Americans are more likely to feel better about that
organization and support the cause.
CSR Wire (25.5.2005)
Der Profit der guten Sache.
Unternehmen nehmen ihre gesellschaftspolitische Verantwortung zunehmend
wahr. Das kommt dem Fundraising in Österreich zugute.
Der Standard (19.5.2005)
Booz Allen Hamilton sichert mit Pro bono-Beratung den Start der
Bundesgartenschau 2005.
Ab sofort ist das über drei Jahre vorbereitete Großprojekt für die
Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Das Projektmanagement für die Bundesgartenschau
hatte Booz Allen Hamilton mit entwickelt und die Erfahrung von komplexen
Industrieprojekten eingebracht.
Presseportal (Pressemitteilung) (28.4.2005)
Companies that support causes win trust, study says.
Eight in 10 Americans report that companies that support causes win
their trust, a jump of 21 percent over the past eight years, a new study
Philanthropy Journal (21.4.2005)
Insurance firm pays $1.3 million to four Armenian charities.
Four Armenian charities each received $333,000 Monday as part of a $20
million settlement between an insurance firm and relatives of Armenians
killed 90 years ago in the Ottoman Empire.
As part of the settlement, New York Life Insurance Co. also has agreed to
earmark $11 million for the heirs of policy holders. The policy holders died
in what Armenians call the first genocide of the 20th century.
San Francisco Chronicle (28.2.2005)
Novartis receives 2005 Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award.
Novartis is the first European company to win the Excellence Award from
CECP, which has presented the honors annually since 2000 to companies
demonstrating outstanding executive commitment, dedication to measurement
and innovation in corporate philanthropy.
Hugin Online (28.2.2005)
Third-largest law firm creates nonprofit.
DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary will create a nonprofit subsidiary, New
Perimeter, dedicated solely to international pro-bono work. DLA Piper
Rudnick Gray Cary is committing 13,000 attorney hours in the program's first
year at a value of more than $5 million. That takes the firm's total United
States pro-bono commitment for 2005 to about 80,000 hours, worth $23 million.
bizjournals.com (28.2.2005)
Nokia rings up the donations with the world's largest charity box.
Nokia, the leader in mobile communications, is supporting an attempt to
break a Guinness World Record for the largest charity box ever during the
2005 Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF).
AME Info (10.2.2005)
Gifts In Kind - Global Leaders In Product Philanthropy.
Global Leaders In Product Philanthropy - A generous 3M corporate product
donation in 1983 marked the beginning of Gifts In Kind International, a
charitable organization that today is the 3rd largest charity in the U.S.
Today’s top manufacturers and retailers, including 44 percent of the Fortune
500 companies, rely on Gifts In Kind International to design and manage the
donation process.
Lockergnome (2.2.2005)
Angestellte spenden Lohn für Flutopfer.
Die Aktion "Hamburg hilft" hat von der Sparda-Bank Hamburg große
Unterstützung erhalten: Mit einem Scheck in Höhe von 100 000 Euro kam der
Vorstandsvorsitzende der Sparda-Bank gestern ins Rathaus.
Hamburger Abendblatt (31.1.2005)
300 Millionen rund um Kitz & Co. Die Ausgaben der Firmen für
Sportsponsoring wachsen jährlich zweistellig. Die Bedeutung des
Event-Bereichs wird in Zukunft auch weiter zunehmen.
Der Standard (21.1.2005)
Donations from foundations, corporations top $1.1 billion.
In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, 1,339 foundations and corporations gave
more than $1.1 billion in grants for relief efforts, a new report says.
Philanthropy Journal (18.1.2005)
'Branded philanthropy', music to fight Aids in SA.
South African pop-culture icons have joined the Treatment Action
Campaign (TAC) and jeans manufacturer Levi Strauss in a campaign to limit
the spread of HIV/Aids among youth.
Mail & Guardian Online (13.1.2005)
Nonprofits and the
Business Community: Important Partners.
Business Monthly (6.1.2005)
Google gearing up to launch deep-pocketed charitable foundation.
Google Inc. is preparing to back up its do-good talk with a charitable
foundation that will share the wealth spawned by its popular online search
San Francisco Chronicle (5.1.2005)
Wirtschaft ruft zur Spende für Flutopfer in Südostasien auf.
Die deutsche Wirtschaft und das Handelsblatt rufen unter dem Motto
"Wirtschaft hilft" zu einer Spendenaktion für die von der Flutkatastrophe
betroffenen Menschen Südostasiens auf. Das Markenzeichen der Spendenaktion
ist eine Weltkarte, welche die Verbundenheit der deutschen Wirtschaft mit
den Betroffenen und ihr globales Verantwortungsgefühl symbolisiert.
Solarserver (31.12.2004)
Corporations donate millions for quake aid.
U.S. corporations are donating millions of dollars in cash and supplies
to victims of the tsunamis along the Indian Ocean, easily eclipsing the
initial $35 million in aid earmarked by the U.S. government.
Boston Globe (30.12.2004)
Guide to Getting Started in Corporate Philanthropy.
Business guru Charles Handy, writing in Harvard Business Review,
summarized the value of philanthropic businesses by saying, “A good business
is a community with a purpose.” Six steps to setting up a corporate
philanthropy program.
Business Knowledge Source (30.12.2004)
$4 Billion
Charitable Marketplace Focus of National Conference.
Leaders of local and national workplace giving campaigns will convene in
Las Vegas next month for a conference aimed at increasing choice for
American workers who "give at the office" in what has become a charitable
marketplace worth over $4 billion.
CSR Wire (22.12.2004)
10.000 Euro Spende von
Marcellino’s an Die Tafeln.
Die Tafeln sammeln überschüssige Lebensmittel, die nach den gesetzlichen
Bestimmungen noch verwertbar sind, und geben diese an Bedürftige ab. Es gibt
immer noch viele Menschen in Deutschland, die sich ehrenamtlich engagieren.
Und Marcellino’s belohnt dieses Engagement mit 10.000 Euro.
mysan.de (10.12.2004)
Bank of America Charitable Foundation makes $1 million gift to UNC.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill today received a $1
million gift from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation that will help
increase access to a college education for financially needy students and
support a banking and finance center.
dBusinessNews.com (2.12.2004)
Exxon funded climate charity.
An influential think-tank which says that climate change is "a myth" and
that sea levels are not rising has acknowledged receiving $50,000 from the
oil giant Exxon Mobil and receiving the bulk of its funding from America.
Telegraph (2.12.2004)
Dismal deficit for charity finance.
Corporate donations account for just 4.3% of charity income. Individuals
give eight times as much. UK companies give only a fifth as much as US ones:
just 0.2% of pre-tax profits. The top 34 FTSE companies are in the 1% club,
but the bottom 14 gave only 0.1% or less. Not good enough.
Guardian Unlimited (11.11.2004)
Wells Fargo program raises $50K for Arizona nonprofits.
WFCP is part of Wells Fargo's Contributions program, which gave more
than $4 million in grants to nearly 400 Arizona nonprofit organizations in
2004. In 2003, Wells Fargo & Co. contributed $82.2 million.
bizjournals.com (10.11.2004)
Nonprofits Report
Ramp-Up in Corporate Support and Predict 17 Percent Increase for Coming Year.
PRWeek along with PainePR announces the results of their Survey on
Maximizing Cause-Related Relationships. Created to shed light on the growing
number of corporations who are using cause-related programs as an integral
part of their business approach, the survey reveals how, according to
nonprofits, corporations can maximize these partnerships to create long-term,
and successful campaigns. Additionally, findings reveal a recent upswing in
corporate support of nonprofits and a healthy outlook for future corporate
CSR Wire (27.10.2004)
BT Charity Gala
Event Raises $100,000 for Project Renewal.
BT announced today that it has raised over $100,000 for Project Renewal,
a charity that helps the chronically homeless men and women of New York
City. At a charity gala event at Capitale in Manhattan, BT raised the funds
primarily through a live and silent auction
CSR Wire (27.10.2004)
corporate charity donations up 25 %.
The study findings were based on donations by 134 companies that
participated in both the 2002 and 2003 studies. Average U.S. giving among
these matched cases increased by 24 percent from $23.35 million in 2002 to
$28.97 million in 2003, compared to a 4.2 percent increase in giving for all
U.S. companies from 2002 to 2003.
Big News Network (15.10.2004)
Entrepreneurs establish fund for charity.
Businesspeople throughout the country have launched a movement to build a
Vietnamese entrepreneurs’ fund with the aim of supporting social and
charitable activities. This is part of activities to mark Vietnamese
Entrepreneurs’ Day on October 13, which has recently been inaugurated by the
Prime Minister.
VOVNews (14.10.2004)
Corporate philanthropy valued.
More than nine in 10 Americans believe it is important for companies to
provide charitable support to nonprofits, and more than seven in 10
employees prefer to work for philanthropic firms, assuming factors like pay
and location are the same, says the survey by Deloitte & Touche USA.
Philanthropy Journal (13.10.2004)
Deluxe 'cause-related' checks raise $7 million for charities.
Deluxe prints checks with special designs for causes like breast cancer
treatment and research. The company then donates a portion of the proceeds
from the sale of these checks directly to the organization featured on the
bizjournals.com (12.10.2004)
Lawyers to sing and dance for charity.
The Hawaii Women's Legal Foundation, a nonprofit organization that seeks
to empower women in Hawaii, has been quietly lining up local officials and
celebrities to take part in its 14th annual Gala Fundraiser, to be held
Saturday at the Sheraton Waikiki.
bizjournals.com (12.10.2004)
OfficeMax CEO
Chris Milliken Announces More Than $5 Million Raised to Benefit City of
OfficeMax® division president and CEO, Chris Milliken announced that
$5.43 million has been raised this year to benefit City of Hope, one of the
world's leading research and treatment centers for cancer, diabetes,
HIV/AIDS and other life threatening diseases. Milliken announced the totals
after receiving City of Hope's Spirit of Life® Award for his outstanding
business and philanthropic leadership at the National Office Products
International Spirit of Life Gala on October 5 at Navy Pier in Chicago.
Yahoo News (12.10.2004)
BP verdoppelt
Spenden von Mitarbeitern.
Die Deutsche BP AG will Spenden ihrer rund 9.500 Mitarbeiter an
gemeinnützige Organisationen mit eigenen Zuzahlungen verdoppeln. Ein
entsprechendes Programm zur Förderung des sozialen Engagements starte am 1.
Yahoo! Nachrichten (23.9.2004)
Dicke Spende für die „Gute Hand“.
Die Sozialstiftung der Telefongesellschaft Vodafone stellt für das
reittherapeutische Zentrum auf dem Meierhof 500 000 Euro zur Verfügung.
Außerdem gibt der Förderverein für analytische Kinder- und
Jugendlichen-Psychotherapie Krefeld 50 000 Euro.
Kölnische Rundschau (20.9.2004)
Targeting small business
Fund aims to spur philanthropy among small firms, entrepreneurs.
Getting small businesses and entrepreneurs more involved in giving and
volunteering is the goal of a new initiative by Foundation for the Carolinas
and Charlotte Business Journal.
Philanthropy Journal (8.9.2004)
Werbung mit Spenden ist gar nicht so einfach.
Werben Unternehmen mit ihrem sozialen Engagement, unterliegt dies bestimmten
wettbewerbsrechtlichen Voraussetzungen. Eine solche Werbung darf nicht in
die Irre führen, aber auch nicht bewusst und planmäßig an die soziale
Hilfsbereitschaft appellieren, um diese im eigenen wirtschaftlichen
Interesse auszunutzen.
Absatzwirtschaft (30.8.2004)
Opening Up to Charity.
As government budgets shrink, European companies are starting to fill
the void.
Time (26.7.2004)
Creative leads China charity donors list.
Digital entertainment giant made $4m donation to China Children and
Teenagers' Fund.
Today Online (23.6.2004)
Multinationals vie for charity pioneers in China.
Peoples Daily (22.6.2004)
philanthropy honored.
Big News Network (13.5.2004)
Oracle Donation Powers Fundraising on eBay through MissionFish.
PNN (4.5.2004)
Gives $1 Million to Develop Idea Center at Playhouse Square.
Cleveland-based financial services company KeyCorp has awarded a $1
million grant to the Playhouse Square Foundation and ideastream, a
multimedia public service organization.
PND News (31.3.2004)
State Street Corporation Announces $9.5 Million in Global Philanthropy
Program Grants.
The program contributes to nonprofit organizations that provide
community service in four primary areas: education and job skills training
(155 grants totaling more than $2.8 million); health and human needs (229
grants totaling 3.3 million); youth programs (124 grants totaling $1.5
million; and neighborhood revitalization (47 grants totaling more than $1
PND News (27.3.2004)
gifts grow.
Corporate matching gifts programs have grown to $1.2 billion a year since
the GE Foundation, part of General Electric Co., founded the first corporate
matching-gifts program in, says the Council for Advancement and Support of
Philanthropy Journal (4.2.2004)
Business Group Calls for Sharply Increased Foreign Aid.
A group of Republican business leaders from Seattle, including Bill Gates,
Sr., was in Washington this week to announce a new initiative aimed at
urging a significant increase in U.S. anti-poverty aid, which the group sees
as both a humanitarian necessity and a means to defeat terrorism in the long
OneWorld.net (28.1.2004)
GE sent funds to five directors' foundations.
Boston Globe (20.1.2004)
‘Armies of Compassion’.
A software entrepreneur has a plan to transform corporate philanthropy
into a force for global change.
MSNBC News (20.1.2004)
boosts business.
Over half of residents in Massachusetts have a positive opinion of
corporations that give to charity, a new poll says. Nearly two of three
residents polled say they are more likely to patronize a company or buy its
products based on its charitable giving, and more than three of four believe
it is important to live in a community in which corporations support the
Philanthropy Journal (9.1.2004)
The top 20 groups that are changing the world.
Fast Company 78/January 2004
shifts focus.
Microsoft, which has targeted its giving to helping disadvantaged people get
access to technology, aims to spend $250 million a year over five years to
equip people with tech skills through community-based technology and
learning centers.
Philanthropy Journal (12.12.2003)
Gemeinnutz ist Eigennutz.
Amerikas Konzerne spenden Milliarden – aus Egoismus.
brand eins 10/2003
Gap, Virgin Megastores Feeling Charitable.
Billboard (19.11.2003)
Foreign firms hold year-end charity events.
Korea Herald (17.11.2003)
Multinationals rush to China for profit and philanthropy.
Sustain-Online (10.11.2003)
Deutsche Bank gibt 200 000 Euro für SOS-Kinderdorf.
Berliner Morgenpost (9.10.2003)
Bank to get charitable with credit.
Melbourne Ag (7.10.2003)
Geld für das Schloss.
An Stelle des Palastes der Republik soll das Schloss wieder aufgebaut
werden. Ein Hersteller von Computer-Druckern sammelt dafür bis zum Sonnabend
Berliner Zeitung (3.9.2003)
Samsung to give $130,000 to two Indian NGOs.
Silicon India (20.8.2003)
Spektakel: Zeus ist ein Kampfjet.
Die Getränkefirma Red Bull fliegt neuerdings auch auf Kultur. Im Rahmen der
Salzburger Festspiele sponsort die Firma ein luftiges Konzert und packt
direkt noch eine mythologisch aufgemotzte Flugshow obendrauf.
Der Spiegel (18.8.2003)
Trittin: Handel soll Mehreinnahmen durch Dosenpfand spenden.
Frankfurter Rundschau (18.8.2003)
DraftWesleyClark.com Launches 'Million Dollar March' Pledge Drive ...
U.S. Newswire (8.8.2003)
Der Mann, dem sie das Geld schenken.
Seit dem Dotcom-Crash gilt das Internet bei Unternehmern als gewinnfreie
Zone. Ein 26-Jähriger Bochumer verdient dagegen reichlich: Er verschenkt ein
Programm zum Schutz gegen Spyware und bekommt dafür Spenden im Wert eines
Luxusautos. Monatlich, versteht sich.
Der Spiegel (30.7.2003)
Ruhe in Frieden, Netscape.
Was hat das zu bedeuten, wenn man die Logos vom Firmengebäude montiert
und die restlichen Programmierer auf die Straße setzt? In Sachen Netscape
fragt das niemand: Es ist das Ende. Aber was heißt das für Mozilla?
Stiftung, ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter, Spendersuche.
Der Spiegel (17.7.2003)
Corporate Money
Co-opts Nonprofit Groups, Says Report.
Critics Silenced & Friends Won Through Corporate Donations.
Center for Science in the Public Interest (9.7.2003)
NGOs: Selling out by partnering with business?
A study developed in cooperation with UN bodies, NGOs and the corporate
community reveals that NGOs have increasingly chosen engagement with
businesses, rather than confrontation.
EurActiv.com (2.7.2003)
Ready to buy? Consider a company's philanthropy.
I would never suggest that a tech buying decision be made on the basis
of a company's charity habits alone. But if you're looking at competing
products that are comparable in other respects, it could be a perfect
ZDNet (27.6.2003)
Jetzt sparen auch noch die Sponsoren.
Die Deutsche Bank baut ihre Stiftungen um.
Tagesspiegel (30.6.2003)
Duke Energy Honored With Philanthropic Award by Red Cross.
dBusinessNews.com (26.6.2003)
Concorde charity
Edinburgh Evening News (24.6.2003)
Firms lift
charities in 2002.
Christian Science Monitor (23.6.2003)
Corporate generosity more than just charity for Novartis Taiwan's Stefan
eTaiwanNews.com (23.6.2003)
Corporate philanthropy may be gaining steam again.
Star Tribune (22.6.2003)
Kombination: Beruf und Berufung.
"Strukturen müssen erst geschaffen werden" - "Soziale Aufgaben müssen auch
im Interesse der Industrie sein", erklärt Volker Born. Der freie Journalist
und Medientrainer weiß, wovon er spricht.
Rheinpfalz Online (10.6.2003)
Expat CEOs serve it up for charity.
Imagine being waited on hand-and-foot by the president of your company -
impeccably attired in waiter garb, no less - as he serves you a four-course
meal. In what would be the ultimate pipe dream for some, will soon be the
ultimate role-reversal fantasy come true for others.
The Korea Herald (21.3.2003)
Australia: Corporate philanthropy struggles in the face of public
Australian businesses contribute over $1.5bn a year to the community
only to endure the cynicism - and even vilification - of the public,
according to the Business Council of Australia.
Mallenbaker.net (18.3.2003)
Corporate philanthropy benefits all when applied more rigorously.
Business Report (17.3.2003)
Kollegen riefen an: Wann können wir endlich spenden.
Sechs Einrichtungen in Grimma und Eilenburg erhalten vom Volkswagen Konzern
600 000 Euro. Die Spende wurde gestern in der Wallgrabenschule symbolisch
Leipziger Volkszeitung (4.3.2003)
Motorola to Ask Prince to Accept Donation Was Company's Money.
Bloomberg (4.3.2003)
Buick Open Donates
$554,000 To Charities In Southeastern Michigan.
General Motors (4.3.2003)
Corporate Donations Help American Red Cross
Comfort Victims of Recent
Red Cross Provides Disaster Relief in Eastern U.S.
US Newswire (3.3.2003)
Unternehmer, die was für alle unternehmen.
Fegen bringt Segen - das weiß Berlin spätestens seit dem Tag, als Peter
Dussmann eine Millionenspende für die Staatsoper machte.
Der Tagesspiegel (26.2.2003)
Rivalen des
Sponsoring. Maybach und Phaeton parken vor dem roten Teppich zur
Goldenen Kamera.
Der Spiegel (4.2.2003)
Immer mehr Firmen
wollen für blaue Uniformen spenden.
Der Plan, die neuen blauen, von Star-Designer Luigi Colani entworfenen
Polizeiuniformen durch Spenden zu finanzieren, nimmt immer weiter Gestalt
Die Zeit (2.2.2003)
Perspective: The end
of philanthropy.
We must develop a new architecture for globalization--with full awareness of
the constraints of the current system--that makes "doing good" an integral
part of doing business.
News.com (27.1.2003)
Insurance broker selects Macmillan Cancer Relief as charity of the year.
UK Fundraising (16.1.2003)
Guardian Unlimited: Where's the give? Business neglects its
responsibility. Leader (27.11.2002)
Guardian Unlimited Big Issue:
Giving List 2002 (25.11.2002)
Murray Armstrong:
Giving rises to 0.95% (25.11.2002)
Murray Armstrong:
Top companies' reputations suffer in charity donations report
Most Philanthropic Corporations. Forbes.com (25.11.2002)
Nicola Hill:
Waging campaigns (25.11.2002)
Simon Caulkin:
Turn a social problem into wealth (25.11.2002)
Sarah Boseley:
The power of small nations. The campaign for equitable access to
medicines in the third world has prompted major drugs companies to review
their social policies. (25.11.2002)
Ed Mayo:
It's time to set out transparency targets (25.11.2002)
Committee to Encourage
Corporate Philanthropy
InsideGiving.com Trends in Corporate Philanthropy
DaimlerChrysler übergibt eine Spende von 10 Mio. Euro für die Opfer der
Terroranschläge des 11. September in New York.
DaimlerChrysler (8.2.2002)
Social Responsibility (CSR)
„Europäisches Bündnis für soziale Verantwortung der Unternehmen“ wird ins
Leben gerufen.
Europäische Kommission (22.3.2006)
Umsetzung der Partnerschaft für Wachstum und Beschäftigung: Europa soll auf
dem Gebiet der sozialen Verantwortung der Unternehmen führend werden.
Europäische Kommission (22.3.2006)
The ethical revolution sweeping through the world's sweatshops.
After a decade of denying any wrongdoing, companies such as Nike and Gap
are now admitting that their workers have been exploited and abused, and
have pledged to improve the conditions of the millions of people who are
paid a few pence a day to make their top-selling goods.
The Independent (16.4.2005)
Spenden allein bringt zu wenig.
Ist Corporate Social Responsibility, also das gesellschaftliche Engagement
von Unternehmen, ein neuer Trend?
Rheinischer Merkur (27.7.2006)
Reputation ist Kapital!
Die meisten multinationalen Unternehmen stehen dem UN Global Compact noch
skeptisch gegenüber – und übersehen dabei eigene Vorteile.
Die Zeit (13.7.2006)
Consumers define social responsibility.
The better companies treat their employees, the higher many consumers rate
them as socially-responsible corporate citizens.
Philanthropy Journal (11.7.2006)
U.N. involvement spurs corporate social responsibility.
A United Nations effort to encourage businesses to be more socially
responsible has not met expectations, but is seeing some progress, a new
study says.
Philanthropy Journal (31.5.2005)
Responsibility is Fast Becoming a Smoke-Free Zone.
Sydney Morning Herald via Common Dreams (4.8.2004)
Social responsibility 'just a PR tool for businesses'.
Guardian Unlimited (22.1.2004)
Report reveals the true face of corporate social responsibility.
Christian Aid calls for laws to make multinational companies meet basic
social and environmental standards in poor countries.
Christian Aid (21.1.2004)
Business, labor,
NGOs, and government find common ground to promote corporate social
Environmental News Network (19.11.2003)
Transparency International: Feigenblatt der Großindustrie.
Immer mehr deutsche Firmen entdecken die Vorteile einer Mitgliedschaft bei
der Anti-Korruptions-Organisation Transparency International.
Der Spiegel (4.11.2003)
New World Bank
Report Aims to Reduce Barriers to Corporate Social Responsibility
Compliance at the Supplier Level in Global Supply Chains.
CSRWire (3.11.2003)
Amnesty International to push ethical investing, looks to link with funds.
Sustain-Online (3.6.2003)
McDonald’s Social
Responsibility Report: One-Year Global Update.
CSRWire (2.5.2003)
This Earth Day,
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - and Respect.
National Green Pages businesses help consumers care for the Earth and
each other.
CSRwire (22.4.2003)
Altered Images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll.
Report presents the results of a poll on corporate responsibility in India.
It concludes that Businesses and NGOS must work more closely with one
Charity Channel (14.2.2003)
Korrupte auf der Erde.
Der Kampf gegen eine Monsterkrake. Global Corruption Report: Alljährlich
berichtet "Transparency International" über Fortschritte und Rückschläge an
der weltweiten Korruptionsfront.
Die Presse (27.1.2003)
Weltweite Regeln als Mittel gegen verantwortungslose Großkonzerne?
Welche Verantwortung haben Unternehmen gegenüber ihren Aktionären, ihren
Mitarbeitern und der Gesellschaft?
Die Presse (21.1.2003)
Society of Financial Service Professionals Announces
2002 American
Business Ethics Award Recipients.
CSRwire (17.1.2003)
Vidal, David J.:
Entering a
New Age of U.S. Corporate Citizenship. onPhilanthropy.com (3.1.2003)
Amery, Elizabeth A.: T2002 in Review:
Community Involvement. OnPhilanthropy.com (6.12.2002)
Murray Armstrong:
Forum for Europe. Round tables will exchange good practices (25.11.2002)
Accountability 1000 ist der Mess- und Berichtsstandard für ethisches
Unternehmensverhalten des ISEA -
Institute for Social and Ethical
Accountability. ISEA (auch als AccountAbility bekannt) ist ein 1996
gegründeter internationaler Verein mit Sitz in England.
Simon Zadek bringt in
seiner persönlichen Webseite langjährige Erfahrung ein.
against Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility
News and Resources, mallenbaker.net.
Austrian Business
Council for Sustainable Development. Jahresbericht
Business and Sustainable
Development: A Global Guide.
Business for Social
Responsibility wurde 1992 in San Francisco gegründet. Es hilft
Unternehmen, gleichzeitig wirtschaftlich erfolgreich und sozial
verantwortlich zu handeln. Die Mitglieder setzen gemeinsam 2 Milliarden USD
um und haben 6 Millionen Mitarbeiter.
Business in the Community
(BITC) Vereinigung von 700 britischen Unternehmen, die ihre positive Wirkung
auf die Gesellschaft stärken wollen.
Corporate Impact on
Society Reporting ist ein Portal für Unternehmen, die im Rahmen von BITC
CSR Europe (früher
EBNSC) ist ein europäisches Netzwerk von Unternehmen. Es fördert den
Erfahrungsaustausch im Bereich der sozialen Verantwortung. Es fordert die
Unternehmen auf, ihre Arbeitsplätze anregender zu gestalten, deren Zahl zu
erhöhen und sozialen Ausschluss zu verhindern, und hilft ihnen bei der
Umsetzung. Sein Ziel ist die nachhaltigen Entwicklung und einer gerechteren
David Grayson
publiziert seine Präsentationen und Ansprachen zu CSR.
Deutsches Netzwerk
Eldis Corporate Social Responsibility
Resource Guide
Ethical Corporation Online
Ethical Trading Initiative
Mitteilung der Kommission betreffend die soziale Verantwortung der
Unternehmen: ein Unternehmensbeitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung.
Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (2.7.2002)
Corporate Social Responsibility. The European Business Campaign.
Action Plan for the European
Campaign 2005.
European Actions at the Multinational Level
Global Reporting Initiative
Global Sullivan Principles
London Benchmarking Group umfasst
50 internationale Unternehmen, die gemeinsam ihre Wirkung auf die
Gesellschaft managen, messen und darüber berichten.
Nachhaltigkeit.at ist ein
Portal des österreichischen Lebensministeriums.
Social Accountability SA
Social Investment
Video-Dokumentationen im Internet.
The Committee
of Inquiry, mallenbaker.net
The Copenhagen Centre (TCC) ist eine internationale Wissensplattform,
welche die dänische Regierung 1998 gegründet hat. Sie konzentriert sich auf
Partnerschaften zwischen Wirtschaft, Regierung und Zivilgesellschaft.
The European Survey on
Socially Responsible Investment and the Financial Community. CSR Europe.
The United Nations Global
"Langfristiges Denken ist noch nicht ausgereift".
mit Global Compact-Chef Kell. Armutsbekämpfung, Umweltschutz,
Gesundheits- und Friedenssicherung sind vorrangige Uno-Ziele. Weil
Regierungen oft blockieren, setzt die Uno künftig auch auf Kooperation mit
globalen Konzernen. Im SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Gespräch erläutert Kofi Ananns
Business-Bürochef Georg Kell, welche Rolle die Multis, aber auch kleinere
Firmen spielen sollen. Spiegel Online (23.12.2002)
Holger Kulick:
Ethik-Kanon der Uno. Nachhilfe für Unternehmer. Uno-Generalsekretär Kofi
Annan will erreichen, dass sich international tätige Konzerne auf neun
ethische Grundprinzipien verpflichten. Ein zusätzliches zehntes Gebot soll
lauten: Offenheit und Verbot von Korruption. Online Spiegel (23.12.2002)
Transparency International (TI)
ist eine gemeinnützige, parteipolitisch unabhängige internationale Bewegung
von gleichgesinnten Menschen aus aller Welt, die sich dem globalen Kampf
gegen die Korruption verschrieben haben. TI wurde 1993 von Dr. Peter Eigen
und Freunden aus Nord und Süd in Berlin gegründet.
World Business Council for
Sustainable Development ist eine Vereinigung von 160 internationalen
Unternehmen zur Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung in drei Säulen:
Wirtschaftswachstum, ökologisches Gleichgewicht, sozialer Fortschritt.
Diverse Zeitschriften
Cause-Related Marketing
David Zucker: Trends:
Cause-Related Marketing Comes of Age. onPhilanthropy.com (3.1.2003)