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Hier einige Links zu weiteren Informationen über Großspenden-Fundraising:

Millionaires’ generosity may wane.
American millionaires were a generous lot last year, increasing their contributions by more than 20 percent, but a new study says donations in 2007 will fall.
Philanthropy Journal (17.5.2007)

Existing donors ripe for planned gifts.
While few people who make charitable donations name charities in their wills, those who do tend to have been steady donors during their lifetimes.
Philanthropy Journal (16.5.2007)

Planned giving: Special Report.
Planned giving is the future, and the future is now.

Wealth transfer outpacing estimates.
But charitable bequests are below short-term projections.
The biggest transfer of wealth in history is exceeding expectations, say the researchers who predicted it.
Philanthropy Journal (26.1.2007)

Finding major donors.
Dave Chase discusses tips for finding your best major-gift prospects.
Philanthropy Journal (12.1.2007)

Richest 2 percent own half the world's wealth.
One World via Common Dreams (22.12.2006)

Halbe Menschheit besitzt nur ein Prozent des Global- Vermögens.
Die Zahlen der neuen Uno-Studie sind erschütternd, obwohl jeder das Problem kennt: Die ärmere Hälfte der Menschheit besitzt insgesamt nur ein Prozent des globalen Gehalts- und Immobilenvermögens. Mehr als die Hälfte des weltweiten Vermögens ist in der Hand von zwei Prozent der Weltbevölkerung.
Spiegel Online (5.12.2006)

The five rights of successful major gift fundraising.
onPhilanthropy (26.7.2006)

Pushing them over the edge: Getting major donors to make the gift.
onPhilanthropy (19.7.2006)

Special Report: Planned Giving.
Philanthropy Journal (22.3.2006)

Charitable giving: Leveraging your contributions.
Business Monthly (März 2006)

Online fundraising only helps 'big name' candidates.
Human Events (6.3.2006)

Fundraising Planning - A Vital Key to Nonprofit Success. (27.2.2006)

Named gifts: Part 6
Charities aim to avoid gift-naming pitfalls.
Circumstances can change, both for the charity and the donor, so in providing named-gift opportunities, charities should be careful in preparing for the unexpected.
Philanthropy Journal (6.10.2005)

The Art and Science of Major Gift Fundraising. (30.9.2005)

Named gifts: Part 5
Charities look for ways to package gift-naming opportunities.
With pressure growing to raise money, charities are looking for creative ways to develop new naming opportunities.
Philanthropy Journal (29.9.2005)

Named gifts: Part 2
Process for soliciting naming opportunities begins early.
Charities thinking about naming opportunities as a fundraising strategy need to recognize that placing a donor’s name on a building or program involves a long process and a lot of work.
Philanthropy Journal (8.9.2005)

Marketing planned gifts: Part 7
Charities use events to reach and engage donors, advisers.
Events can be effective tools to reach and engage donors and professional advisers.
The Philanthropy Journal (21.7.2005)

Marketing planned gifts: Part 6
Colleges, community foundations court planned-giving prospects.
The Philanthropy Journal (14.7.2005)

Marketing planned gifts: Part 5
Online strategies integrate donor data, marketing.
Philanthropy Journal (7.7.2005)

Sparen: Geldvermögen sind stark gestiegen.
Österreicher haben 336 Mrd. Euro Geldvermögen und 120 Mrd. Euro Schulden.
Die Presse (7.7.2005)

Marketing planned gifts: Part 4
Charities mix multiple strategies to reach donors.
The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati uses a broad range of tactics as part of a single game plan for marketing planned giving, says Jim Friedman, director of planned giving and endowments.
Philanthropy Journal (30.6.2005)

Marketing planned gifts: Part 3
Fundraisers segment planned-giving prospects.
The Cleveland Orchestra, with a $125 million endowment, aims to tailor specific planned-giving strategies to reflect market trends and to reach donors it believes might find those strategies attractive.
Philanthropy Journal (23.6.2005)

Marketing planned gifts: Part 2
Charities tailor planned-giving message.
The most effective planned-giving message and the best medium in which to deliver it change as prospects’ get older and their circumstances and needs change.
Philanthropy Journal (16.6.2005)

Planned-giving software: Part 6
Smaller vendors market calculators.
Small vendors in the planned-giving software market offer a variety of planned-giving calculators.
Philanthropy Journal (5.5.2005)

Planned-giving software: Part 5.
Philanthropy Journal (28.4.2005)

Planned-giving software: Part 4
Crescendo Interactive offers desktop and online products.
Crescendo offers desktop software and now online software that uses narratives and graphics to illustrate and explain planned giving options to donors and professional advisers.
Philanthropy Journal (21.4.2005)

Planned-giving software: Part 3
Several firms dominate market for software calculators.
Crescendo and PG Calc are the two major players in the planned-giving software market, which also includes PhilanthroTech and Leimberg & LeClair.
Philanthropy Journal (14.4.2005)

Planned-giving software: Part 2.
Whether to invest in planned-giving software depends on the degree to which a nonprofit focuses on planned gifts.
Philanthropy Journal (7.4.2005)

Special Report: Planned Giving.

Philanthropy Journal (23.5.2005)

Pioneering Fundraising Week Set to Launch.
National Giving Week, which runs between October 18 and 24, will particularly focus on the benefits of planned giving and aims to encourage people and businesses to make regular, tax efficient donations to causes they care about.
The Scotsman (29.9.2004)

The Season for Capital Campaigns.
Each year, right after Labor Day, my firm receives more inquiries for conducting capital campaigns than any other time of the year. Here's a primer on capital campaign basics for those just getting started and also another article about asking for gifts.
About (21.9.2004)

Giving real estate: Part 6
Environmental cleanup can slow real-estate gifts.
Gifts of real estate can reap benefits for donors and charities, but also can cause problems if the property is contaminated. Several charitable foundations have been formed with the goal of addressing environmental problems that can clog the flow of real estate gifts from donors to charities.
Philanthropy Journal (21.9.2004)  

Giving real estate: Part 5.
Philanthropy Journal (14.9.2004)

Giving real estate: Part 4
Complex tax and financial issues await donors of real estate.
Donors and charities can reap big benefits real estate gifts, but also face tough issues ranging from depreciation, income and capital gains on property to its upkeep, cleanup and sale.
Philanthropy Journal (9.9.2004)

Giving real estate: Part 3
Donors have options in picking a vehicle for real estate gifts.
The Real Estate Charitable Foundation in Kansas City generally works with outright gifts, deferred gifts and bequests.
Philanthropy Journal (31.8.2004)

Giving real estate
Some charities move to make a market for real-estate donors.
While it might have considered a real estate gift in the past, the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation was not actively marketing real estate gifts to donors. So instead of simply reacting to donors who suggested making gifts of real estate, the foundation four years ago created the Real Estate Charitable Foundation.
Philanthropy Journal (24.8.2004)

Screening Sessions for Major Donors.
Many times in smaller organizations, executive directors and development directors will bemoan the fact that they do not have the "movers and shakers" on their board and, therefore, cannot consider a major gift program or a capital campaign that relies heavily on leadership level gifts. Before writing off your board members, consider doing some brainstorming on major donor prospects. You may be surprised at the connections your board has in this regard.
Charity Channel (15.7.2003)

The "New Look" of Major Giving.
Charity Channel (25.6.2003)