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Transatlantic funders face change.
With major shifts afoot, including technology advances and population changes, community foundations on both sides of the Atlantic will need to be aware and adjust.
Philanthropy Journal (2.8.2007)

Was braucht der Mensch?
Wir alle streben nach dem persönlichen Glück. Aber können wir glücklich sein, wenn wir auf Kosten der Armen leben? Es ist Zeit für eine praktizierte »Fernstenliebe«.
Die Zeit (5.7.2007)

Charity doesn't help!
All the religions have been serving the poor for thousands of years, and poverty goes on growing. Is this authentic service? Then in thousands of years poverty should have disappeared. In fact, you are feeding poverty.
Cybernoon (16.5.2007)

Reconsider philanthropy.
Forbes China stopped publishing its China Philanthropy List from this year. A Forbes China manager explained that the company made the decision mainly because of the difficulty of data collection. He pointed out that today, rich Chinese tend to keep low profiles and avoid publicizing their donations.
News Agency (10.5.2007)

Fundraisers "need their own awareness campaigns".
Ian MacQuillin's latest blog post on UK Fundraising argues that awareness raising campaigns are needed to counter the prevailing "anti-fundraising attitudes" held by many members of the public and media.
uk fundraising (25.4.2007)

Globalizing philanthropy: Made in America no longer fits.
On Philanthropy (15.2.2007)

Fundraising: Philanthropy Journal Special Report.
The face of America and American philanthropy is changing.
In this special report, PJ looks at strategies nonprofits can use to find and engage donors who are becoming increasingly diverse.
Philanthropy Journal (26.1.2007)

The new wave of philanthropy.
Entrepreneurial philanthropy. Planetary philanthropy. Venture philanthropy. Innovative philanthropy. Hybrid philanthropy.
NonProfit Times (15.1.2007)

Performance philanthropy. (3.1.2007)

The new world of philanthropy.
As the world truly becomes a global village through technology, media and transportation, more and more people have become aware of the issues facing humanity, even in the most remote corners of the globe.
Business Coalition (30.12.2006)

Bill and Melinda Gates reflect on need for global philanthropy.
PBS (20.12.2006)

Why giving away $30 billion of your wealth to charity is a poor idea.
Times (6.7.2006)

Ethics, Part 6.
Voluntary efforts aim to building awareness about accountability.
Philanthropy Journal (29.12.2005)

Ethics, Part 5.
Nonprofit sector panel aims to boost transparency.
Philanthropy Journal (23.12.2005)

The changing face of charity.
Unlike today, alms-giving came naturally to the Victorians.
The First Post (19.12.2005)

Ethics, Part 2.
Philanthropy Journal (1.12.2005)

Making progress: An essay, Part 7
Philanthropy without borders emerges as new model for change.
Philanthropy is the medium through which people extend themselves and work together to fix problems and follow dreams. Philanthropy can transform the way we live and work, but first it must change itself to be a more effective force in coping with and attacking what can seem like overwhelming social problems.
The Philanthropy Journal (21.7.2005)

Making progress: An essay, Part 6
Philanthropy changes to help guide the ‘invisible hand’.
Adam Smith, the 18th century economist, said an “invisible hand” converted selfish actions into public good, a theory useful in explaining the role of philanthropy and nonprofits in a society in which we cannot expect government or business to fix what is wrong but instead must look to charity to push for change.
The Philanthropy Journal (14.7.2005)

Making progress: An essay, Part 5
Philanthropy moves to help nonprofits gear for change.
Helping nonprofits operate more effectively is a crucial challenge for funders, particularly those that cannot get over the idea they should support nonprofit programs but not their operations.
Philanthropy Journal (6.7.2005)

Making progress: An essay, Part 4
Philanthropy expands to engage new markets.
As philanthropy in the 1980s and 90s expanded, it also matured and stretched, looking for new and more effective ways to put private wealth and know-how to work to gear nonprofits for change, attract government and corporate partners and investment, and play a bigger part in policy change.
Philanthropy Journal (30.6.2005)

Making progress: An essay, Part 3
Philanthropy plows new ground to address critical problems.
In the 1980s and 90s, philanthropy changed more than at any time in the century. Instead of simply charting a course for nonprofits, funders scrutinized their own direction. The message of philanthropy no longer was its money but its mission.
Philanthropy Journal (23.6.2005)

Deutschland verpasst den Anschluss.
Private Finanzierungskonzepte als Alternative zur staatlichen Finanzierung.
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (9.5.2005)

Philanthropy at all levels can serve as a model for others to contribute.
American philanthropy packs a powerful tale about the force of wealthy givers inspiring many small donations and, in reverse, small donations inspiring major gifts from wealth.
Philanthropy Journal (9.5.2005)

Privatization: Part 5
Nonprofits last resort for delivering social services.
Growing demand and the lack of a financial payoff leave nonprofits with critical challenges, with government contracting increasing government “ownership” of a growing number of nonprofits, making it tough for them to also be government’s conscience, a nonprofit leader says.
Philanthropy Journal (24.3.2005)

Privatization: Part 4
Drive for profits can create gaps in delivery of social services.
Some social services simply offer no payoff to for-profit providers, nonprofit executives and experts says. Yet demand for social services is growing.
Philanthropy Journal (17.3.2005)

Poker for charity is hottest trend.
The latest on board is Speakeasy Casino, which will supplement a high-stakes Texas hold'em tournament with a complete run of vices straight from Vegas -- roulette, craps, slot machines, black jack plus a cigar bar and lounge singer. But it's all for a good cause.
San Jose Business Journal (11.3.2005)

Privatization: Part 3
Outsourced social services fall short of expectations.
Government efforts to hire private contractors to curb costs while maintaining or improving social services have run afoul of unrealistic expectations and contractual problems, experts say.
Philanthropy Journal (10.3.2005)

Privatization: Part 2
For-profit contractors turned to nonprofits to deliver social services.
Federal “welfare-reform” policies in the 1990s increased the competition to deliver social services, said Stephen Rathgeb Smith, a professor of public affairs at the University of Washington who studies nonprofit social services.
Philanthropy Journal (3.3.2005)

Beyond the self.
Philanthropy has a long and distinguished life in human culture. The sacred and civic texts that have shaped the West, calling people to generosity and compassion, are part of a wisdom tradition that is thousands of years old.
Philanthropy Journal (28.2.2005)

Privatization: Part 1
Social-services market adapts to lessons of outsourcing.
Philanthropy Journal (24.2.2005)

Philanthropry helped develop ideas for creating wealth.
In 1929, Albert Cowles contributed funds to establish the Cowles Commission at the University of Chicago, helping to launch the field of econometrics that has yielded the fundamental principles and tools that have shaped the modern stock market.
Philanthropy Journal (2.2.2005)

Finding new fundraising strategies.
Cuts in private and government funds and new restrictions on fundraising have made it more difficult for charities to help those they serve.
News 8 Austin (1.12.2004)

"The New Face of Philanthropy"
According to Hasbro Chairman Alan Hassenfeld, donors want more than gala dinners -- they demand results.
BusinessWeek (2.8.2004)

Doing well and doing good.
Why a new golden age of philanthropy may be dawning.
Economist (29.7.2004)

Underachievers Charities, advisers need to spur Baby Boom philanthropy.
They wanted to change the world, but Baby Boomers instead have become slackers.
Philanthropy Journal (23.6.2004)

Fundraising idea stinks.
The Sun (18.5.2004)

Five Bold Fundraising Predictions for 2004. (24.12.2003)

Beyond Philanthropy. Nur für Case-Mitglieder.
Is total resource development the next step for advancement?
Increasingly, advancement offices participate in generating nonphilanthropic revenue for their institutions under the overall banner of "total resource development." TRD manifests itself in different activities at different campuses, but might include multifaceted corporate contracts, bond issues or government funding, and entrepreneurial activity.
Case Currents 11/12 2003

The Ten Immutable Laws of the (Fundraising) Universe.
PND News (28.10.2003)

Market demands change.
Donors want charities to be effective, engaged, ethical.
Philanthropy Journal (23.10.2003)

Philanthropy should return to its roots.
Focus should be on shared needs and obligations.
Philanthropy Journal (30.4.2003)