Fundraising Newsletter 7/2009

Endlich: Spenden für soziale Einrichtungen von der Steuer absetzbar.
Ab sofort können heimische Spender ihre Überweisungen an rund 260 Einrichtungen von der Steuer absetzen. Dies gilt sowohl für Private als auch Unternehmen. Man rechnet mit einem steigenden Spendenaufkommen von bis zu 40 Millionen Euro im Jahr.
Wirtschaftsblatt (31.7.2009)

Schluss für das Heidelberger Theater im alten Bau.
Die Großspende eines Unternehmers von 13 Millionen Euro ermöglichte die Sanierung. (31.7.2009)

Wie Stiftungen die kulturelle Bildung fördern.
Die Philipp Otto Runge Stiftung unterstützt junge Künstler und hilft, das Werk des Namensgebers zu pflegen und zu erforschen.
Welt Online (31.7.2009)

Verfassungsrichter lassen Rentnerpartei auflaufen.
"Die Grauen" sind am Ende: Nach einer Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts darf die Seniorenpartei nicht zur Bundestagswahl antreten - die Richter lehnten einen entsprechenden Eilantrag ab. Für die von Spendenskandalen gebeutelte Vereinigung bedeutet die Entscheidung wohl das politische Aus.
Spiegel Online (31.7.2009)

Werner Otto wird 100 - und Ehrenbürger.
Werner Otto wird Ehrenbürger von Berlin. Am 11. August (15 Uhr) erhält der Unternehmer und Mäzen im Roten Rathaus vom Regierenden Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit die Ehrenbürgerwürde.
Berliner Morgenpost (30.7.2009)

Choosing a charity.
You don't need to be rich to give to charity. You don't even need to be middle class. In fact, in the United States today it's the poor, not the wealthy, who give the highest percentage of their income to those in need.
Forbes (30.7.2009)

India's rich, open your wallets.
Bill Gates will pick up the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development from India's president. He will be the first businessman to receive the prize since it was instituted in 1986.
The Wall Street Journal (29.7.2009)

Philanthropy is business as usual.
Corporate philanthropy is alive and booming in Switzerland—quite independent of the economic downturn. That’s the finding of a survey by the Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology (ETHZ).
wrs (28.7.2009)

Hit or miss for charities in recession?
The latest figures from the UK Cards Association suggests the public's appetite for giving to charities has not diminished during the downturn.
BBC (28.7.2009)

Some wealthy donors still giving.
While their investments have been hammered by falling markets, wealthy donors in the U.S. and U.K. are still digging deep to support causes they care about.
Philanthropy Journal (28.7.2009)

Where are India's great philanthropists?
What does it say about India that its most active philanthropists right now are Bill Gates and Prince Charles? (28.7.2009)

Fordham breaks fundraising record in ’09.
The private Catholic university, in the midst of a $500 million campaign to finance an expansion, managed to raise 6.5% more money this year.
crain's new york (28.7.2009)

Charity aimed at change.
An idea for solving ‘100 million dollar problems.’
The Wall Street Journal (28.7.2009)

The new generation of philanthropists.
For a new generation of philanthropists, giving to charity isn't just about writing checks. Instead, the focus is on volunteering, socializing, and networking -- while also contributing to good causes. (27.7.2009)

Mobile giving is catching on.
Because most of the $300 billion a year in charitable giving in the U.S. comes from individuals, Jim Manis, chief executive of the Mobile Giving Foundation, saw mobile giving as a way to reach a new demographic. He could increase the pool of charitable donors by capitalizing on the popularity of text messaging, which is used by almost 70 percent of people aged 18 to 24.
The Seattle Times (27.7.2009)

UH centennial fundraiser nets $335 million.
Surpassing all expectations, the University of Hawaii’s Centennial Campaign led by the University of Hawaii Foundation, has raised $282 million in cash and pledges against a goal of $250 million. An additional $54 million in bequest intentions was also raised, bringing the grand total to $336 million. (26.7.2009)

Myths of affinity marketing.
Today's challenging economy requires nonprofit organizations to apply all tools that can help them raise funds without burdening their supporters.
Philanthropy Journal (24.7.2009)

Museums' funding sources going bone dry.
Plummeting endowments and decreases in donations and public financing are forcing museums to make large cutbacks, and some are even closing.
USA Today (23.7.2009)

Donation slump could hinder disaster assistance.
The Salvation Army is struggling with dwindling donations across the country that will make it hard to give long-term assistance after a disaster.
AP (22.7.2009)

UMSL defies times with $26.9 million fundraising boon.
The conventional wisdom these days is that universities should have a difficult time raising money because of the economic recession. But don't tell that to the folks at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. (21.7.2009)

Developing major donors: How the right software can help.
Helping donors recognize their potential is the cornerstone of effective fundraising. This is especially true for major donors. Major donor development requires a combination of collecting the right information, devising a strategy, formulating a plan, being adaptable, and engaging the support of others.
Philanthropy Journal (21.7.2009)

Back-to-basics technology critical for fundraising.
The bad economy is a good time for nonprofits to retool their technology and the way they use it for fundraising.
Philanthropy Journal (21.7.2009)

New York Times considering seeking support from foundations, but does not intend to go nonprofit. (20.7.2009)

Using Prizes To Spur Innovation.
Prizes used to spark innovation are on the rise. Philanthropists -- as well as players in the public and private sectors -- must understand how to use them in the most effective way.
Forbes (17.7.2009)

Stiftungsprofessuren: Die Wirtschaft hält sich zurück.
Eine Studie belegt: Nur zwei von fünf Stiftungsprofessuren werden von Unternehmen gezahlt – und das auf wenige Jahre befristet.
Die Zeit (16.7.2009)

Show us the money for social investment bank, say charities.
Government criticised over three-month consultation. (16.7.2009)

Leibniz Universität Hannover etabliert Fundraising.
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (15.7.2009)

Leadership seen as key predictor of sustainability.
Leaders should enforce the efficient and effective use of financial resources, intentionally learn what works and what does not work for clients, and show a willingness to make big changes, says a report by TCC Group.
Philanthropy Journal (15.7.2009)

Matt Damon is co-founder of a new charity for safe drinking water. (15.7.2009)

David Arquette sits in box atop Madison Square Garden marquee to fight hunger.
Daily News (15.7.2009)

Economic downturn fails to dampen philanthropy.
Philanthropy is flourishing despite the downturn, according to a Barclays Wealth report. (13.7.2009)

Charities across Canada are feeling the recession's bite as donations dry up.
The Canadian Press (11.7.2009)

New York City Opera threatened by economic crisis.
Like all nonprofit cultural institutions, the NYCO is heavily dependent on the financial support of its wealthy patrons, including those who sit on its board and are expected to donate generously, and also raise large sums from business associates and others.
World Socialist Web Site (9.7.2009)

Spendenteller auf der Wahlurne.
Dürfen ehrenamtliche Helfer in Wahllokalen die Wähler mit einem Spendenteller um milde Gaben bitten? Klar, meint der Bürgermeister des westfälischen Vlotho. Das sei auch in anderen Gemeinden Tradition. Experten im Düsseldorfer Innenministerium sehen das ganz anders.
Spiegel Online (8.7.2009)

Campaign finance moment of truth.
Decades of lawmaking and court decisions restricting the flow of cash into U.S. elections are on the verge of coming undone, placing President Barack Obama in the unexpected position of presiding over the possible demise of the modern campaign finance regime.
Common Dreams (8.7.2009)

Wo die glücklichen Menschen leben.
Im Happy-Planet-Index wird die Selbstunterwerfung unter das Wachstumsparadigma gegeißelt. Doch die Studie ist keine Spinnerei, sie könnte uns Reichen beim Umdenken helfen.
Die Zeit (8.7.2009)

Kirche setzt auf Privat-Spender.
Die Vorgabe ist mutig: Bis zum Jahr 2030 möchte die Evangelische Kirche rund 20 Prozent der kirchlichen Einnahmen durch die "Hebung von Ressourcen aller Art zur Erfüllung eines gemeinnützigen Zwecks" erzielen - durch so genanntes Fundraising.
morgenweb (4.7.2009)

40 Millionen Euro für die Uni.
Die Unternehmerfamilie Schwarz-Schütte hat der Heinrich-Heine-Uni die höchste Einzelspende ihrer Geschichte zukommen lassen. Daraus entstehen ein Gebäude für die Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und das Institut für Wettbewerbsökonomie.
RP Online (4.7.2009)

Bandion-Ortner für Transparenz bei Großspenden.
Justizministerin Bandion-Ortner hat in der Debatte über die Offenlegung von Großspenden an die Parteien einen Schritt nach vorne gemacht.
Kleine Zeitung (4.7.2009)

Buffett verschenkt Aktien für 1,5 Mrd. Dollar.
Der US-Multimilliardär hat mit Berkshire Hathaway ein Imperium geschaffen, und er ist großzügiger Spender: Buffett verteilt Aktien seiner Holding im Milliardenwert an wohltätige Organisationen. Den Löwenanteil erhält die Stiftung von Microsoft-Gründer Gates.
Financial Times Deutschland (3.7.2009)

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