Fundraising Newsletter 2/2009

Decline of newspapers renews idea of nonprofits.
As sharp revenue reductions put the future of many U.S. newspapers in doubt, one idea gaining attention is the conversion of newspapers into tax-exempt nonprofits supported by large endowments.
Deseret News (28.2.2009)

Economy -- not tax changes -- seen as hurting nonprofits.
It looks at first blush like another knock on budget-strapped charities and nonprofits: President Obama's budget plan would cut the tax-deduction rate for high-income Americans, reducing one of the incentives for giving to the arts, education, health care, religious groups and human-service agencies.
ScrippsNews (27.2.2009)

For the rich, government is the new charity.
Charities and nonprofit groups are up in arms over President Obama’s proposal to limit charitable deductions.
The Wall Street Journal (27.2.2009)

Charities go online for fundraising.
Their accustomed fundraising wells running dry, cash-parched nonprofits are making an exodus to the web — and online fundraising startups are seeing a boom in business.
MHT (27.2.2009)

US-Unis erzielen Spendenrekord.
Die Geberlaune in Amerika scheint ungebrochen. Statt Einbußen verzeichnen die großen US-Hochschulen immense Spendenzuwächse und kompensieren damit ihre schwindenen Stiftungsvermögen.
Financial Times Deutschland (26.2.2009)

How to set up a Facebook "Causes" page for your nonprofit.
In addition to Facebook fan pages, another useful Facebook tool is the "Causes" application, which is geared specifically toward nonprofits. (26.2.2009)

Spenden 2.0: Zwanziger gegen Zwanziger.
Jens Weinreich droht im Streit gegen DFB-Präsident Theo Zwanziger das Geld auszugehen. Deshalb hat der Journalist und Blogger eine ungewöhnliche Fundraising-Aktion gestartet: Der 44-Jährige bittet um Spenden, damit er seine Prozesse gegen den größten Sportverband der Welt weiterführen kann – sozusagen Prozesskostenhilfe 2.0.
Meedia (26.2.2009)

Study: Fewer individuals making million Dollar gifts.
A new study from the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University indicates the weak economy is slowing charitable giving, but not stopping it. The center's "Million Dollar List" shows the number of gifts of at least $1 million to charities in the last six months of 2008 dropped 33 percent, compared to the same period in 2007.
Inside Indiana Business (25.2.2009)

College fundraising outlook darkens after surge.
Colleges and universities led by Stanford, Harvard and Columbia raised a record $31.6 billion in fiscal year 2008, but their fund-raising outlook has darkened amid the economic crisis.
The Wall Street Journal (25.2.2009)

"Slumdog Millionaire"-Darsteller spendet Gage.
Acht Oscars sahnte "Slumdog Millionaire" ab: Darsteller Anil Kapoor gibt sich dennoch bescheiden und hat die gesamte Gage, die er für die Produktion erhalten hatte, gespendet. Gegenüber seiner Kollegin Freida Pinto ist er nicht ganz so großherzig - und plaudert munter über deren Liebesleben.
Spiegel Online (24.2.2009)

Schlussverkauf der Superlative.
Jahrhundertauktion im Grand Palais in Paris: Christie's verkauft in einem dreitägigen Versteigerungsmarathon die opulente Sammlung des verstorbenen Modegenies Yves Saint Laurent. Trotz Krise erzielt der spektakuläre Ausverkauf schon zum Start ein Rekordergebnis.
Spiegel Online (24.2.2009)

Google chief for charity steps Down on revamp.
Larry Brilliant, the executive director of, said late Monday that he would step down from managing Google’s philanthropic unit and signaled that might curtail its financing of nonprofit groups unless they are closely aligned with Google projects.
The New York Times (23.2.2009)

Americans seen caring but unlikely to act.
Most Americans are more likely to talk about their commitment to positive change than they are to volunteer, says a survey by Porter Novelli.
Philanthropy Journal (23.2.2009)

Der Spendenmarkt in der BRD. (17.2.2009)

Funding sustainable development.
Small civic groups and church fellowships often assume that global problems are out of their philanthropic reach, but often this isn't true.
Philanthropy Journal (17.2.2009)

Wealthy take to ‘green’ investing.
Most wealthy Americans have made environmentally friendly or socially conscious stocks part of their investment portfolios.
Philanthropy Journal (17.2.2009)

Harvard retreated From U.S. stocks as market tumbled.
Harvard University, the richest U.S. college, sold 67 percent of the U.S. stocks held by its endowment in the fourth quarter as the equities market endured its biggest loss in 21 years.
Bloomberg (12.2.2009)

Spende ist nicht gleich Spende.
Wikando: Auf einer Freiwilligenmesse machte das Team des Charity-Portals jede Menge Erfahrungen: Welche Assoziationen das Wort Spende auslöst, wie die Altersstruktur ehrenamtlicher Helfer aussieht und welche Motive auf Flyern am besten funktionieren.
Financial Times Deutschland (11.2.2009)

Erfolgskonzepte für nachhaltiges Alumni-Management und Fundraising.
Fachtagung der Reihe "Hochschulen im Fokus" bietet Einblick in die aktuelle Praxis der lebenslangen Bindung von Studenten an ihre Hochschule.
Pressebox (11.2.2009)

Sponsoren geizen nicht.
In schweren Krisenzeiten wird gerne gespart - da sagt auch mal ein Sponsor eine Gala ab. Nicht so in der Hauptstadt: Berlins Firmen setzen ihr Engagement für soziale und kulturelle Projekte trotz der wirtschaftliche Lage fort.
Der Tagesspiegel (11.2.2009)

Foundation assets fall 27.8 percent.
The value of U.S. foundation assets tumbled 27.8 percent during 2008, with independent foundations taking the biggest hit.
Philanthropy Journal (11.2.2009)

Battered nonprofits seek to tap nest eggs.
Universities, museums and other nonprofits battered by investment losses are pushing states to ease legal limits on spending so they can tap their endowments to avoid imminent layoffs and deep cuts to programs.
The Wall Street Journal (11.2.2009)

Top gifts came from bequests in 2008.
Seven of the 10 gifts given last year by the top U.S. donors were made from estates, indicating that living donors may be scaling back in the down economy.
Philanthropy Journal (10.2.3009)

Spendenabsetzbarkeit - Lediglich ein Drittel aller Spenden werden begünstigt.
Message Delivered (10.2.2009)

Crisis spurs $116 million in grants.
As the recession rages on, U.S. foundations are stepping up, awarding grants to combat the mortgage crisis and provide needed food and shelter.
Philanthropy Journal (9.2.2009)

Recession pushes charities to merge.
People in the nonprofit world expect to see more mergers as nonprofits struggle to keep their doors open in a declining economy. (8.2.2009)

Cambridge anniversary fundraising total hits £800m.
Varsity (6.2.2009)

Helvetas: «So viele Spenden gab es noch nie!»
2008 durfte die Entwicklungsorganisation Helvetas Spenden in der Höhe von 14,9 Millionen Franken entgegen nehmen. So viel wie noch nie. Die erfolgreiche Kampagne «Toiletten für alle!» hat viele Spenderinnen und Spender mobilisiert.
na.presseportal (5.2.2009)

Sponsoring: So klingt die Krise.
Unternehmen sparen, der Staat erhöht symbolisch den Kulturetat. Ein falsches Signal, denn viele Häuser haben kein finanzielles, sondern ein künstlerisches Problem.
Rheinischer Merkur (5.2.2009)

Protest gegen Werbeverbot.
Lienz hat Greenpeace verboten, auf der Straße um Spenden zu werben. Die Organisation protestiert. (5.2.2009)

Giving may be victim of recession.
While donors are not immune to the recession, with almost half already reducing or stopping their charitable giving, most people who attend religious services regularly don't plan to cut back.
Philanthropy Journal (3.2.3009)

Fundraising emails: the effective and the deleted.
It's end of the year gift time for non-profits! And I am getting messages all around from Cal, my alma mater.
customer THINK (3.2.2009)

Hospitals review fundraising to offset waning donations.
Orange County Business Journal (2.2.2009)

Für den guten Zweck!
Fürst Albert sammelt für seine Stiftung.
Bild (2.2.2009)

Nachhaltigkeit und Sinnhaftigkeit.
Ausstellung und Vortrag in Stolzenau zum Thema Stiftungen.
Mindener Tagblatt (26.1.2009)

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