Fundraising Newsletter 7/2008

A circle with a deep center.
The informal groups -- some of which are composed entirely of blacks, Asian Americans or Latinos -- are a powerful force in charitable giving. Collectively, giving circles award tens of millions of dollars a year to community-based causes.
The Washington Post (31.7.2008)

Mysteriöse Entführung.
Spende für Krebshilfe.
n-tv (30.7.2008)

U.S. volunteerism continues slide.
For the second straight year, the number of Americans volunteering their time, as well as the overall rate of volunteerism, has dropped.
Philanthropy Journal (29.7.2008)

MBAs lift non-profit sector.
As many non-profit organisations strive to make their operations more professional, a growing number of their employees are choosing to take an MBA.
Financial Times (28.7.2008)

Austin man offers $1 billion for breast cancer cure.
Never mind the fact the 48-year-old Austin consultant has nothing close to that much money. Dewey, whose daughters are at increased risk for the disease because his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, says he'll come up with the cash. (27.7.2008)

Deutsche Creative Commons-Lizenzen in der Version 3.0 erschienen.
Mit dem Erscheinen der dritten Version startet Creative Commons Deutschland zugleich eine Fundraising-Kampagne.
e.punkt (24.7.2008)

Use of corporate giving seen trailing its value.
Philanthropy Journal (25.7.2008)

Britain adopts fundraising standards.
The United Kingdom has adopted national fundraising standards for nonprofits developed by Adrian Sargeant, philanthropic studies professor at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Philanthropy Journal (24.7.2008)

Shifting careers - venture financing with a mission beyond profit.
Cities have long offered tax incentives to encourage companies to stay and newcomers to relocate. But another option is gaining currency in old manufacturing cities looking to prop up their struggling economies — homegrown nonprofit groups that nurture new businesses from the ground up.
The New York Times (24.7.2008)

  Nonprofit Technology 2008.
In this special report, PJ looks at strategies for nonprofits to find and pay for the fundraising software that works best for them. We also look at the next frontier of fundraising software, and feature a sponsored article on how to use software to engage donors.
Philanthropy Journal (23.7.2008)

Nestlé-Chef sorgt mit Heks-Job für Wirbel.
Die Wahl von Nestlé-Schweiz-Chef Roland Decorvet in den Heks-Stiftungsrat stösst auf Widerstand. Manche fürchten, das kirchliche Hilfswerk verkomme zur Fundraising-Institution.
Tagesanzeiger (22.7.2008)

Gates Foundation breaks ground on new headquarters.
Across the street from the Space Needle and Paul Allen's tribute to Jimi Hendrix and rock music, Allen's old friend Bill Gates is building his headquarters for charitable giving, something sure to become another Seattle tourist attraction.
The Seattle Times (22.7.2008)

Alte Freunde lassen sich nicht lumpen.
Die Zukunft liegt in den Händen der Ehemaligen.
Frankfurter Allgemeine (20.7.2008)

"Ich bin keineswegs auf junge Kunst festgelegt".
Gespräch mit Sabrina van der Ley. "Man verbringt rund 60 Prozent seiner Zeit mit Fundraising."
Hamburger Abendblatt (19.7.2008)

Kultusminister würdigt Fundraising der Hochschule Harz.
Ihrem Rektor Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann ist es gelungen, die Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) mit Sitz in London als Stifterin einer Professur zu gewinnen.
bildungsklick (17.7.2008)

Die Verbundenheit dauert meist ein Leben.
Die Universität St. Gallen zählt zur Elite der deutschsprachigen Business-Schulen. Zu diesem Erfolg tragen die Alumni maßgeblich bei.
Handelszeitung (15.7.2008)

Businesses emerge to help school fund-raisers go green.
Parents and kids want goods to sell that do some good.
The Wall Street Journal (15.7.2008)

Nonprofits see drop in revenue, donors.
Nonprofits across most sectors saw a decline in revenue and in the number of donors in the first three months of 2008.
Philanthropy Journal (14.7.2008)

Professoren von Unternehmers Gnaden.
Frankfurter Allgemeine (11.7.2008)

Hundertmillionenspende für New Yorker Theater.
Ölbaron David Koch: "Ich glaube, es ist ein guter Deal".
Der Standard (10.7.2008)

The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy.
Most companies give to charity. Few get what they expected in return. (10.7.2008)

Sir John M. Templeton, philanthropist, dies at 95.
The New York Times (9.7.2008)

Dog Eat Your Taxes?
The latest news from the Palace, that Leona Helmsley left instructions that her charitable bequest of as much as $8 billion be used for the care and welfare of dogs, rubs our noses in the tax deduction for charitable gifts and its common vehicle, the perpetual private foundation.
The New York Times (9.7.2008)

US philanthropist brings chutzpah in his bid to help Cambodians.
Bernie Krisher, a former Southeast Asia correspondent for Newsweek who publishes The Cambodia Daily has helped build some 400 schools across the land.
The Jerusalem Post (8.7.2008)

The give and take for charity.
For-profit fundraisers collect huge sums on behalf of worthy causes, but nonprofits see only a fraction of it.
Los Angeles Times (6.7.2008)

Neues Spendenportal "rettet" Werbeprämien.
Aufsichtsratschef Daniel Minini von im pressetext-Gespräch.
pressetext austria (5.7.2008)

Das seltsame Geschäft mit den Klima-Spenden.
Reisen – mit dem Flugzeug, Auto, Bus oder Bahn – belastet die Umwelt. Umweltbewußte Bürger können sich ein besseres Gewissen erkaufen, wenn sie beim Kauf eines Flugtickets für Klimaschutz-Projekte spenden. Doch Wissenschaftler bezweifeln die seriöse Berechnung solcher Abgaben.
Welt Online (5.7.2008)

Altruism meets a weak job market.
The Wall Street Journal (4.7.2008)

Online-Spenden im Aufwärtstrend.
Erlagschein dominiert bei langfristiger Unterstützung.
pressetext schweiz (4.7.2008)

US-Unternehmerin vermacht armen Hunden Milliarden.
Schräge Hinterlassenschaft: Die verstorbene US-Unternehmerin Helmsley hat ihr gesamtes Firmenvermögen armen Hunden vermacht. Es geht um fünf bis acht Milliarden Dollar.
Spiegel Online (2.7.2008)

Athletes' charities rarely a lasting hit.
When fanfare fades, stars' foundations tend to fizzle.
Boston Business Journal (27.6.2008)

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